The Awards Committee of the APA Division 33 – Psychology of IDD/ASD, welcomes nominations for the 2024 Doll Award and the 2024 Sparrow Early Career Research Award. Recipients of both awards must be full members or fellows of Division 33.

 Award Descriptions and Criteria

The Edgar A. Doll Award of Division 33 is a career award that honors an individual for their substantial contributions to the understanding of intellectual or developmental disabilities throughout their career. The award is presented annually. To receive the award the recipient must agree to attend the APA convention and give a talk.

The Sara S. Sparrow Early Career Research Award is presented to an individual who has made substantial contributions to the understanding of intellectual or developmental disabilities as reflected in their published and presented works. Nominees must be members of Div. 33, must have received their doctoral degree no more than 10 years prior to the award decision, and cannot be more than two years post-tenure. The award is presented every other year during even years only. To receive the award the recipient must agree to attend the APA convention and give a talk.

 Nominations for these awards will be sought from the full membership of the division. The Division Awards Committee will select the honoree. A list of previous award winners is attached.

Division 33 has several ways of honoring individuals who make important contributions to the field of IDD/ASD. See below for a list of recipients. For more information about these awards, eligibility, and nomination procedures, please visit the APA awards page.

Nomination Procedure

  • Nominations for the Doll Award should include the following: (a) a letter of nomination; and (b) complete curriculum vitae.

  • Nominations for the Sparrow Award should include the following: (a) two letters of recommendation - one of these letters must be from a Div. 33 member and should address the contributions of the nominee relevant to intellectual and developmental disabilities, and (b) complete curriculum vita.

  • Nominations should be sent directly to Karrie Shogren, chair of the 2023-2024 Division Awards Committee, via email (

  • Nominations can be made anytime, but must be received no later than October 6, 2023

  • Nominees will be notified of the award committee’s decision on or about October 20, 2023.

  • The award winners will receive a $1,000 honorarium and are expected to give an invited talk at APA 2024.

  • There is no other compensation for award recipients and they must cover the cost of registration and travel to the convention.

  • Any questions about the award or application procedure should be sent via email to Karrie Shogren via email (

Edgar A. Doll Award

2024 Michael Wehmeyer 2023 Ben Handen 2022 Alice Carter
2021 Robert Hodapp
2020 Philip W. Davidson
2019 Jan Blacher
2018    Catherine Lord
2017    Leonard J. Abbeduto
2016    Michael Cataldo
2015    Laraine Masters Glidden
2014    Wayne Silverman
2013    Steve Warren
2012    Ann Kaiser
2011     Michael Aman
2010    Bruce Baker
2009   Sara Sparrow
2008   Michael Guralnick
2007   Douglas K. Detterman
2006   Ann Streissguth
2005   Robert Sprague
2004   Gene P. “Jim” Sackett
2003   John Borkowski
2002   Travis Thompson
2001    Don Routh
2000   Todd Risley
1999    Murray Sidman
1998    Nancy Robinson
1997    Richard Eyman
1996    Donald Baer
1995    Stephen Schroeder
1994    Ivar Lovaas
1993    Brian Iwata
1992    Earl Butterfield
1991     Alfred Baumeister
1990    Henry Leland
1989    Donald MacMillan
1988    H. Carl Haywood
1987    Ed Zigler
1986    Norman Ellis
1985    no award
1984    Sidney Bijou
1983    Marie S. Crissey
1982    Gershon Berkson
1981     Sam Kirk

Jacobson Award for Critical Thinking

The Jacobson Award is presented to an individual who has made meritorious contributions to the field of IDD/ASD in an area related to behavioral psychology, evidence-based practice, dual diagnosis or public policy.

Nominations are accepted and the award is presented every other year during odd years only. The award winners will receive a $1,000 honorarium.

Recipients 2023 Anna Esbensen 2021 Micah Mazurek 2019 Eric Butter 2017   Marc J. Tassé 2015   V Mark Durand 2013   Sally Rogers 2011   Stephen Greenspan 2009 James Mulick 2007 Richard Foxx

Sara Sparrow Early Career Research Award 

The Sara S. Sparrow Early Career Research Award is presented to an individual who has made substantial contributions to the understanding of IDD/ASD as reflected in his or her published and presented works.

Nominations are accepted and the award is presented every other year during even years only. The award winners will receive a $1,000 honorarium.


The Application cycle for the 2024 Sara S. Sparrow Early Career Research Award will open in the fall of 2023.


2024 Gazi Azad 2022 Vanessa Bal
2020 Matthew D. Lerner
2018    Cameron Neece
2016    Abbey Eisenhower
2014    James McPartland
2012    Anna Esbensen
2010    Laura Lee McIntyre
2008   Luc Lecavalier

APA Student Research Award

Division 33 gives out two Student Research Awards annually. These awards recognize undergraduate or graduate students who are engaged in impactful and high-quality research in the field of IDD/ASD. Award decisions are based on reviewer rankings of the abstracts (poster, talk, or symposium) submitted to Division 33 for the annual APA Convention.

The award winners receive a $500 honorarium.


2024 Jessica Smith & Numfon Vilay 2023 Rachel Meyer & Carrie Faaberg 2022 Emily Jellinek & Amani Khalil
2021 Brianna Gambetti & Megan Ledoux
2020 Abigail M Oldham & Eleonora Sadikova
2019 Michelle Menezes & Elina Veytsman
2018    Phoebe Josephson & Grant G. Boostrom
2017    Catherine Sanner & Margaret Mehling
2016    Jessica R. Scherr & Elina Veytsman
2015    Allyson Davis & Caroline Leonczyk
2014    Karim Ibrahim & Meredith Robinson
2013    Hillary Hurst Bush & Melissa Wasserman
2012    Carmelo Callueng & Ashley Woodman
2011     Tessa Hesse & Victoria Piazza
2010    Sarak Kuriakose & Paula McCall
2009   Carmelo Callueng & Terisa Gabrielsen
2008   Camilla Hileman & Cameron Neece
2007    Raphael Bernier & Cindy Nam
2006    Paula McCall & Youhua Wei
2005    Naomi Davis & Sigan Hartley
2004    Rachel Horodenzsky & Karen Sze
2003    Lena Freeman & Tomoe Kanaya
2002    Lisa Gilotty & Katherine Matthews
2001     Douglas Bodin & Misty Boy

Division 33 Gatlinburg Conference Student Award

2023 Rachel Gordon 2019 Sarah Nelson
2016    Elizabeth Will
2015    Bridget Tonnsen
2014    Andrea Lewallen
2013    Allyson Davis
2012    Ashley Woodman
2011     Susan Loveall

Division 33 Past Presidents

2022 - 2023 Camie Neece 2021 - 2022 Jason K. Baker
2020 - 2021 Karrie Shogren
2019 - 2020 Sigan Hartley
2018 - 2019 V. Mark Durand
2017 - 2018 Gael Orsmond
2016 - 2017 Sharon J. Krinsky-McHale
2015 - 2016 Anna Esbensen
2014 - 2015 Laura Lee McIntyre
2013 - 2014 Jan Blacher
2012 - 2013 Alice Carter
2011 - 2012 John Lutzker
2010 - 2011 Leonard Abbeduto
2009 - 2010 J. Gregory Olley
2008 - 2009 Warren B. Zigman
2007 - 2008 Steven F. Warren
2006 - 2007 Johannes Rojahn
2005 - 2006 Bruce L. Baker
2004 - 2005 Sara S. Sparrow
2003 - 2004 Ann P. Kaiser
2002 - 2003 Laraine Masters Glidden
2001 - 2002 Phillip W. Davidson
2000 - 2001 William E. MacLean, Jr
1999 - 2000 Michael J. Cataldo
1998 - 1999 Sharon Ramey
1997 - 1998 Wayne Silverman
1996 - 1997 Judith E. Favell