E14. First Responder Training with Dr. Stone-Heaberlin and Dr. Schmitt


In this episode, Dr. Megan Stone-Heaberlin and Dr. Lauren Schmitt (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center) discuss their development of a training program to improve communication between first responders and autistic community members. They share advice, insights, and initial findings from police officers and autistic self-advocates who participated in the training. (10 min)

E13. Remote Support Services with Dr. Marc J. Tassé

In this episode, Dr. Marc. J Tassé (Ohio State University) discusses his research on remote support services and the benefits of technology for promoting independence in community living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (12m)

E12. Transition to Adulthood with Dr. Julie Lounds Taylor

In this episode, Dr. Julie Lounds Taylor (Vanderbilt University) discusses her research on the transition to adulthood for youth with autism spectrum disorder. She describes her development of a parent advocacy training intervention for parents of youth on the autism spectrum and offers tips for young adults on the spectrum and their families. (10 min)

E11. Parenting Interventions with Dr. Laura Lee McIntyre

In this episode, Dr Laura Lee McIntyre (University of Oregon) discusses her development and adaptation of two parenting interventions for parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She describes her early findings and upcoming projects, and offers tips for parents and other caregivers. (15 min)

E9. Parent-Child Interaction with Dr. Jason Baker

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In this episode, Dr. Jason K. Baker (CSUF) discusses his research examining how parenting and child factors combine to influence the development of children with ASD, the status of the current knowledge with regard to parenting children with ASD, and some tips for parents. (13 min)

E8. The Public Health Crisis


In this special episode, we break format in order to bring together input from several experts, each giving advice regarding the current COVID-19 health crisis and related stay-at-home issues. (20 min)

Issues discussed include: parenting, stress, family relationships, homeschooling, interventions, and maintaining social contact.

Drs. Baker and Fenning share contributions from Dr. Laura Lee McIntyre (U of Oregon), Dr. Eric Butter (Nationwide Children’s Hospital), Dr. V. Mark Durand (U of South Florida, St. Petersburg), Dr. Cameron Neece (Loma Linda University), Dr. Tracy Guiou (Kadiant), Dr. Sigan Hartley (UW-Madison), Dr. Geovanna Rodriguez (U of Oregon) , Dr. Jan Blacher (UCR), Dr. Diane Hayward (UK Young Autism Project), Dr. Julie Lounds Taylor (Vanderbilt), and Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson (UCLA).

Click here for a document that includes the full contributions of each expert, along with the links that they mention.

E7. Student-Teacher Relationships with Dr. Jan Blacher


In this episode, Dr. Jan Blacher (UC Riverside) discusses her research focusing on student-teacher relationships for children with IDD and ASD, why we should be concerned, and what she and her colleagues are doing to improve these relationships (14 min)

E6. Aging in Down Syndrome with Dr. Sigan Hartley


In this episode, Dr. Sigan Hartley (University of Wisconsin-Madison) discusses her work investigating factors that might buffer the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in individuals with Down Syndrome as they age. (11 mins)

E3. Parent Stress with Dr. Cameron Neece


In this episode, Dr. Cameron Neece (LLU) discusses parent stress and stress reduction in families of children with IDD and ASD, what parents can do to reduce their stress, and how reduced parent stress can benefit children (15 mins, 53 secs)