Dean of School of Psychology, Family, and the Community at Seattle Pacific University

Location: Seattle Pacific University
Title: Dean of the School of Psychology, Family and the Community

Formal review begins: 11/15/2015 (open until filled)
URL for full description:

Job Description:
The dean is expected to be an enthusiastic advocate of the school's mission and vision, while providing leadership to SPFC's faculty and staff. She or he is responsible for assisting in the resourcing of these programs; empowering the chairs and faculty as they ensure high quality undergraduate, graduate, and non-degree programs; and overseeing the work of the school's centers, initiatives, and laboratory programs. The dean is responsible for recruiting, developing and evaluating excellent faculty and staff, as well as developing and maintaining strong external relations with the community and with the school's Advisory Board. He or she manages the school's budget, provides oversight to the school's assessment process, and will support the maintenance of the secondary accreditations held by the programs. Fundraising and establishing development strategies for endowments, scholarships, grants, and so forth, is a critical element of the position. The dean reports directly to the Provost and serves on Deans' Cabinet. As a member of Deans' Cabinet, the dean will join other academic leaders in establishing policy and direction for academic initiatives of the university as a whole and in advising the Provost on decisions having all-campus implications.