Sara S. Sparrow Fellowship in Clinical Neuroscience, Yale Child Study Center
/Sara S. Sparrow Fellowship in Clinical Neuroscience
The Sara S. Sparrow Fellowship in Clinical Neuroscience seeks highly qualified college graduates to participate in cutting-edge clinical research on autism spectrum disorder in the McPartland Lab and the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic at the Yale Child Study Center. The Child Study Center is a leading institution for clinical research on autism and related disabilities, with a multidisciplinary approach spanning behavioral neuroscience, neuroimaging, genetics, and treatment. Successful applicants will be involved in a two-year program of training incorporating both clinical and research experiences, commencing on or before July 1, 2019.
The primary training experience will be in daily activities related to clinical neuroscience research. The fellowship’s curriculum includes participation in a weekly seminar on autism taught by Drs. James McPartland and Fred Volkmar (1 semester), weekly rounds in the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic (year-long), biweekly autism lectures (year-long), weekly lab meetings (year-long), and other didactic experiences at the Yale Child Study Center. Fellows will gain experience working with children and adults with autism and their families, as well as individuals with other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders and with typical development. Training and research opportunities include electrophysiological brain recording using electroencephalography (EEG) and event related potentials (ERP), eye tracking, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), positron emission tomography (PET), and behavioral assessment and treatment for ASD, including participation on multidisciplinary clinical teams in the Developmental Disabilities Clinic. Fellows will gain experience and exposure to all aspects of clinical research, from recruiting participants to analyzing data and authoring manuscripts. Fellows will also be provided opportunities to submit research for conference presentation and potential publication. Successful applicants will be directly mentored by Dr. McPartland and be involved in a highly active and productive community of clinical research scientists at Yale and at collaborating groups in the United States and abroad.
Sponsor Institution: Yale Child Study Center, Yale University
Lab Director: James McPartland
Collaborating Faculty: Fred Volkmar, Kasia Chawarska, George Anderson, Denis Sukhodolsky, Linda Mayes, Flora Vaccarino, Michael Crowley, Pamela Ventola, Wendy Silverman, Julie Wolf, Alan Anticevic, Vinod Srihari, Roger Jou, Joy Hirsch, David Matuskey, David Grodberg, Phil Corlett, James Leckman, Adam Naples
Award Amount: $30,000 in Year 1; $32,000 in Year 2 (plus full healthcare coverage)
Term of Award: 2 years
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2019
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