Applying to Doctoral Psychology Programs Panel! -- 3/30/25

Hello Division 33 Members!

The Division 33 Student/Postbac Committee is excited to present our inaugural Applying to Doctoral Programs Panel! This panel is open to any student and postbac members who are interested in learning more about the process of applying to doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Human Development and Family Studies, and related fields.

We have a diverse panel of five Division 33 doctoral student members lined up who will provide advice on the application/interview process, how to stand out as an applicant, and much more!

Date/Time: Sunday, March 30th at 3pm Pacific / 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern

Submit your questions here:

Zoom Link:

See the attached flier for details (thank you to undergrad student member Andrea Pua for creating it). Feel free to share it with undergrad/postbac members of your lab.

Best wishes,

Laurel and Katie, on behalf of the Division 33 Student/Postbac committee

2021 Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA Symposium

Have you heard the 2021 Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA Symposium will take place virtually this year from June 17-19? The DSMIG-USA Symposium provides an interdisciplinary forum for sharing of knowledge and experiences related to clinical care of children and adults with Down syndrome, clinical research related to Down syndrome, and development of Down syndrome clinics. The 2021 Virtual Meeting includes: 

• Symposium topics: Lifespan Cardiac Care, Augmentative & Alternative Communication, Grief, Oncology, Managing Hearing Difficulties, Addressing Racism, and Practice-Changing Articles 

• Poster Presentations 

• Workgroup Meetings: Adolescent & Adult Health; Clinic Support; Down Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder; Therapy Workgroup (new) 

• Member Meeting 

• INCLUDE Data Coordinating Center Presentation


You can find out more at

New Bylaw Changes Approved by Division Vote

March 7th, 2021

Division 33,

Voting results have been tabulated and the proposed changes to the Division 33 Bylaws were overwhelmingly approved! Thanks to everyone for your participation as well as your understanding with the challenges presented by voting during the ongoing pandemic. As a reminder, here is a summary of the newly adopted changes to the Division Bylaws:

1. Updated member class options to be in line with APA.
2. Added graduate student affiliate members to the Executive Committee so that we could strengthen graduate student voices in the Division.
3. Established Website Committee (previously ad-hoc committee) to ensure that information and services offered through our website are up to date, relevant, and meaningful for our members.
4. Established the Developmental Disabilities and Criminal Justice System Committee (previously ad-hoc committee) given our Division’s ongoing commitment to support this important topic.
5. Streamlined process for committee selection and Division awards to be more efficient.
6. Allowed for electronic voting of Bylaw changes by members going forward to allow us to more easily gather opinions from our members and update Division Bylaws.
7. Added the President-Elect as a member who is able to sign checks, given the role of this person as the Division 33 Program Committee Chair of the APA Convention program.

Proposed Update to Division 33 Bylaws

The Division 33 Executive Committee is proposing updates to our division’s bylaws. These changes are aimed at: 1) streamlining and updating processes to reflect changes within APA and our division, 2) increasing involvement of graduate students, and 3) reflecting our important ongoing efforts around IDD/ASD and the criminal justice system.

On the website you will find a document with the Proposed Updated Bylaws (click on the previous bold type for the document) and the Current Bylaws (click on the previous bold type for the document).  The proposed changes are also summarized below for convenience. When you receive your paper ballot in the mail, after reviewing the changes, please complete the ballot form to indicate whether or not you support accepting the Proposed Updated Bylaws. The voting period will be 45 days. Ballots postmarked by January 21st, 2021 will be counted.

Summary of Bylaw Changes

1.       Updated member class options to be in line with APA

2.       Added graduate student affiliate members to the Executive Committee so that we could strengthen graduate student voices in the Division.

3.       Established Website Committee (previously ad-hoc committee) to ensure that information and services offered through our website are update, relevant, and meaningful for our members.

4.       Established the Developmental Disabilities and Criminal Justice System Committee (previously ad-hoc committee) given our Division’s ongoing commitment to support his important topic.

5.       Streamlined process for committee selection and Division awards to be more efficient.

6.       Allowed for electronic voting of Bylaw changes by members going forward to allow us to more easily gather opinions from our members and update Division Bylaws.

7.       Added the President-Elect as a member who is able to sign checks, given the role of this person as the Division 33 Program Committee Chair of the APA Convention program

Please contact the Division 33 Past President, Sigan Hartley, PhD ( if you would like to discuss any of the proposed changes.

Thank you for your support of Division 33 and our mission to advance psychological research, professional education, and clinical services that address the needs and increase the quality of life of individuals with IDD/ASD across the life span. We encourage you to check out some of the new features on our Division website. These include Access Division 33, which offers a series of podcasts with Division 33 members, and the Early Career Professional webpage. Also, please visit us on Facebook and check out our most recent

Finally, if you would like to become more involved in Division activities and/or have feedback on Division activities, please reach out to the Division 33 Past President, Sigan Hartley, PhD (


Division 33 Executive Committee

APA Fellows Application Process: How Does It Work?

Want to learn more about becoming an APA Fellow?

This Webinar is for you!

The APA Fellow's Application Process: How Does It Work?

  • Webinar - Thursday, October 8th, 2020 - 6:00 PM EDT.

The APA Fellows Committee will host a webinar to explain the APA Fellows process to members looking to become an APA Fellow. Whether you are applying or have been asked to endorser someone's Fellows application, you will hear from the APA Fellows Committee as to what they look for when reviewing Fellows application and hear tips about how to write statements and letters to address how you meet the criteria for APA Fellow status. There will also be time to ask questions of the APA Fellows Committee.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group- USA - Virtual Annual Symposium

Join us!

The Symposium provides an interdisciplinary forum for health care professionals to share knowledge and experiences related to the clinical care of children and adults with Down syndrome, clinical research related to Down syndrome, and development of Down syndrome clinics.

Dates: Friday, June 26th, 2020 (8:00 - 5:00 pm CST)

Saturday, June 27th, 2020 (see website for details)

For more information about fees and registration, visit:


  • To register:

Call for Submissions to APA 2020!

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APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020!

Next year’s event in DC will draw more than 10,000 psychologists from around the world looking for new ideas and inspiration. If you’re a subject matter expert with something exciting to share, a passionate professional with a big idea, or a speaker who can connect with an audience, we want to hear from you!

Submission deadlines vary by program type.

Collaborative Programs
October 11, 2019

Collaborative programs pull together multiple perspectives on issues significant to psychology and, where relevant, to society at large. Emphasis is placed on innovative program formats; programs representing all career stages, settings, and fields; and programs integrating psychological science and practice.

Continuing Education Workshops
November 12, 2019

Half- and full-day CE workshops are offered on a wide range of topics, including a special featured theme track on interprofessional clinical practice. Presenters receive an honorarium of $175 per instructional hour per workshop and complimentary enrollment in a CE workshop. 

Division Programs
December 2, 2019

APA divisions accept presentations, posters, and programs that cover a variety of topics.

Psych Science in 3
December 2, 2019

Graduate students and recently matriculated psychologists are invited to share their research in three short minutes. Educate us — but make it quick!

Click here for a pdf of the call for proposals

APA Convention CE Workshop on . . . .

Parent Training for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Disruptive Behaviors

Division 33 is excited to share that Eric Butter (Ohio State University), Cindy Johnson (Case Western Reserve University), and Karen Bearss,(University of Washington) will be presenting a day-long Continuing Education workshop at the APA Convention this August.  This workshop is designed for clinicians or clinician scientists who are interested in evidence based parent training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Please click here for details.

2019 APA Convention Call for Proposals!

Proposals are being accepted for the 127th Annual APA Convention in Chicago!


Chicago, IL, August 8-11th, 2019.


  • CE Workshops -- Nov 13th, 2018

  • APA Film Festival -- Nov 26th, 2018

  • Standard Proposals (posters & presentations) -- Dec 3rd,  2018

  • Psych Science in 3 mins - graduate students and recently matriculated psychologists share research in three short minutes! -- Dec 3rd, 2018

Proposals are  submitted via the APA online Call for Convention Proposals. Sign in using your MyAPA login and password.

Fun Facts about Chicago 

  • Home of the Twinkie

  • It has the only river that flows backwards

  • Spray paint was invented in Chicago

  • Nation's largest collection of impressionist artwork

  • More than 250 theaters, 225 music venues and 200 dance companies

  • Downtown is known as 'The Loop" because the area is encircled by the elevated ('L') train tracks

  • Four  states can be seen from the Skydeck

2018 APA Convention Call for Proposals!

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Proposals are now being accepted for the 126th Annual APA Convention in San Francisco, California, August 9-12, 2018. If you are planning to submit a program or individual proposal, the deadlines are as follows:

  • Collaborative Program Proposals: October 13, 2017
  • Standard Division Proposals: December 1, 2017

All proposals must be submitted via the APA online Call for Convention Proposals. Sign in using your MyAPA login and password.

New for 2018 - Grand Research Competition! Prizes will be awarded for the best poster submission, graded on innovation, scientific merit and poster presentation style. See competition details.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be on the program for a great APA Convention!

APA Convention Office

Submit to Special Issue of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Special Issue for April 2018 on:
Neuroimaging Research: Understanding the Role of Neuropeptides in Psychiatric Disorders

This special issue will provide an overview of the current status of research using neuroimaging methods (e.g., task-based and resting state fMRI, PET, MEG, or EEG) to investigate the role of neuropeptides in psychiatric conditions; it will also address continuing gaps and challenges in this field. We encourage articles representing the broad area of preclinical and clinical models of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, and eating disorders. We also strongly encourage articles that address sex differences, which are often overlooked in this body of research. We would be particularly receptive to a collaborative position paper co-authored by a preclinical and clinical researcher addressing some of the strengths, weaknesses and possible future directions to improve the use of neuroimaging methods to study neuropeptide involvement in psychiatric disorders.

Laboratories engaged in research in this area may submit review articles or primary research reports to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology to be considered for inclusion in this special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted as usual through the APA Online Submission Portal (, and the cover letter should indicate that the authors wish the manuscript to be considered for publication in the special issue on Neuroimaging Research: Understanding the Role of Neuropeptides in Psychiatric Disorders.  All submissions will undergo our normal peer review. Manuscripts received no later than October 1, 2017 will be considered for inclusion in the special issue. We strongly encourage individuals to contact the guest editors in advance with their ideas and a draft the title and abstract.

Questions or inquiries about the special issue can be directed to the Guest Editors of the issue, Stephanie Collins Reed, PhD, at or Gillinder Bedi, DPsych, at, or the Editor, William W. Stoops, PhD at



August 3-6, 2017, Washington, D.C.

APA Division 33

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders

If you are doing research on intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) including autism Spectrum disorder (ASD), we invite you to submit a proposal for our Division 33 program. We especially encourage presentations by early career professionals and students.  We will accept proposals in the following formats: Symposia, individual papers and posters.

Members are also encouraged to submit collaborative proposals that pull together multiple perspectives on a significant problem to psychologists and society at large.  A collaborative session showcases multiple perspectives and involves more than one core area of psychology (i.e., science, practice, education, public interest) and reflects interdisciplinarity and relevant aspects of diversity.  Divisions (between two and seven divisions) that represent these multiple perspectives may be involved in the development of the proposal and listed as sponsoring groups.

Submissions for all topic areas will be received through the official APA convention website. More information about this Convention and proposal format and requirements can be found at:  ( 

Submission deadlines
October 14, 2016:                  Collaborative proposals
November 14, 2016:              CE Workshop Proposals
December 1, 2016:                Divisional proposals

Questions regarding Division 33 programming and submissions can be directed to the Program Chair:

Gael Orsmond, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy
Director, Rehabilitation Sciences PhD program
Boston University | College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
635 Commonwealth Ave | Boston,  MA | 02215
617.353.2703 | |

Click here for a pdf of this posting

APA Annual Convention 2016 Call for Proposals!

APA Division 33: Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/ Autism Spectrum Disorders

Doing Research on Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities?
Are you ready to present your exciting results?

Consider the APA Convention in Denver, Colorado (August 4-7, 2016)!

If you are doing research on intellectual & developmental disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorders, we invite you to submit a proposal. We especially encourage presentations by early career professionals and students.  We will accept proposals in the following formats: Symposia, individual papers and posters.

Submissions for all topic areas will be received through the official APA convention website. More information about this Convention and proposal format and requirements can be found at:  ( 

For all submissions, submit the proposal for consideration by Division 33. Deadlines are as follows:

Collaborative Programs: Thursday, October 15, 2015, 5pm ET.
Continuing Education Workshops: November 9, 2015, 5pm ET.
Division Proposals: December 1, 2015, 5pm ET.

If you have any questions, please contact the 2016 Chairperson for Division 33 programming:

Sharon Krinsky-McHale, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Psychology
New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities
P: 718-494-5370

We look forward to receiving your submissions!