Submit to Special Issue of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Special Issue for April 2018 on:
Neuroimaging Research: Understanding the Role of Neuropeptides in Psychiatric Disorders

This special issue will provide an overview of the current status of research using neuroimaging methods (e.g., task-based and resting state fMRI, PET, MEG, or EEG) to investigate the role of neuropeptides in psychiatric conditions; it will also address continuing gaps and challenges in this field. We encourage articles representing the broad area of preclinical and clinical models of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, and eating disorders. We also strongly encourage articles that address sex differences, which are often overlooked in this body of research. We would be particularly receptive to a collaborative position paper co-authored by a preclinical and clinical researcher addressing some of the strengths, weaknesses and possible future directions to improve the use of neuroimaging methods to study neuropeptide involvement in psychiatric disorders.

Laboratories engaged in research in this area may submit review articles or primary research reports to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology to be considered for inclusion in this special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted as usual through the APA Online Submission Portal (, and the cover letter should indicate that the authors wish the manuscript to be considered for publication in the special issue on Neuroimaging Research: Understanding the Role of Neuropeptides in Psychiatric Disorders.  All submissions will undergo our normal peer review. Manuscripts received no later than October 1, 2017 will be considered for inclusion in the special issue. We strongly encourage individuals to contact the guest editors in advance with their ideas and a draft the title and abstract.

Questions or inquiries about the special issue can be directed to the Guest Editors of the issue, Stephanie Collins Reed, PhD, at or Gillinder Bedi, DPsych, at, or the Editor, William W. Stoops, PhD at